For starters, floral baths are soooo pretty! I had only seen them on Pinterest mood boards and aesthetic Instagram reels. While they are gram-worthy for sure, I always wondered if they had any actual benefit. This question led me to some research on flower baths online and I discovered that herbal bathing rituals have been a thing since time immemorial. Many swear by its relaxing properties to date. I also got to try this self-care activity in Bali recently and I truly enjoyed it.

When the hotel staff came to my room to set up the tub for my floral bath, I was mentally prepared to look at something picturesque. But when I saw it, I was in complete awe. The bath was drawn intricately and beautifully with petals of various hues from different flowers – a piece of art for sure! I thanked the staff as they left and slipped into the tub of heaven.

Floral bath

The warm water and the fresh aroma made me feel relaxed almost immediately. A great mix of bath salts, flowers and essential oils, the floral bath was loaded with goodness. The handpicked ingredients gave my skin a much-needed pick-me-up. The next day, I also enjoyed a citrus bath with limes, oranges, lemons and lime grass. A citrus bath is a great way to marinate yourself in a good dose of Vitamin C filled with antioxidants.

Floral bath

All ingredients used for floral baths have their own set of benefits. Rose hydrates the skin, lavender has a calming impact, marigold eases inflammation and so on and so forth. The mess of the aftermath aside, flower baths can elevate your mood by calming your mind, body, and soul. And I’d highly recommend you to experience it at least once, especially if you happen to visit Bali. There are several spas and properties that offer some stunning floral baths with majestic views.

Floral bath

If you have a tub at home, go for it and try it yourself. Put some scented candles, play some soothing music, grab your favorite book to read, or simply soak in the moment and enjoy the fragrant atmosphere! If you’re still not convinced, here are five reasons why you should definitely have the floral bath experience at least once.

Revitalizes your skin

The vitamins and nutrients from the flowers often help in soothing damaged skin and reducing inflammation. The essential oils act as a glow booster and by the end of your 60-minute dip, you are bound to come out with softer and more hydrated skin.

Induces better sleep

Floral baths will leave you with a sense of calm and that can have an incredbly positive impact on your overall physical and mental health. Just like we often feel post long warm showers, this bathing ritual will also probably make you want to sleep like a baby.

Relaxes your muscles

Your aches and pains will feel a wee bit better post a flower bath. The right combination of essential oils with hot water will cause deep muscle relaxation. Flowers like chamomile are natural nerve relaxants and can help immensely in the overall rejuvenation of the body.

Helps you de-stress and rejuvenate

Feeling a strong urge to slow down and unwind? Opt for a floral bath! It will re-energize you by indulging your senses. The aromatic indulgence will definitely uplift your mood.

May boost blood circulation

Staying in warm water for a long duration while inhaling the aromatherapy oils can be hugely restorative for the body. It is said that some floral baths help in boosting blood circulation. Floral bath ingredients like coffee scrub can also help in stimulating blood flow.

Do ensure you’re not allergic to any of the ingredients. If you experience any burning sensation or discomfort, step out of the bath and take a shower immediately. You can also consult your dermatologist before taking the decision of trying a floral bath for the first time.