Our Story

Do you ever crave for a bowl of freshly cooked warm khichdi or an Ayurvedic massage after a long day? Then welcome to the tribe, we are just like you! In this fast paced world, sometimes it’s important to slow down and give time to things that truly matter - our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. So now, close your eyes and chant with us… Nah, just kidding.

In Tibetan, Nyam stands for ‘a meditative experience’. We, at Nyam Life, hope to create something similar in the digital realm. Our mission is to give you a peek into the world of Holistic Wellness with handpicked blogs, articles and stories about various enriching experiences that take you one step closer towards mindful living. Amidst an array of endless content, Nyam Life wants to handhold you and be your guide in this journey of enlightenment. From Chakra Meditation and Breathwork to Yoga and Tai Chi - we’re here to help you discover all about holistic wellness, alternative healing and everything in between. We've also got you covered in case you are seeking information on the best wellness retreats in the country.

Meet Our Founder

Namaste, my dearest readers. After spending more than a decade creating digital media content and working for companies like Stardust, MissMalini.com and IMDb, I finally found my Ikigai.

Having lost my own elder brother to suicide when I was 12, I’ve always wanted to make a difference and do something related to mental health and overall wellbeing. I enjoy writing and creating content that sparks joy. That’s what I am going to continue doing here, at Nyam Life.