‘Prana’, ‘Chi’, ‘Ki’, ‘Mana’, ‘Odic Force’ — these are some of the names given by various cultures to the Life Force or the energy that flows within every living being. Particularly described in different oriental cultures, this life force is believed to promote physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being when cultivated properly. The concept of  Chakras is based on this energy within every living being.

Rooted in Hinduism and Buddhism, the chakra system is centuries old and is associated with Prana. Literally meaning a ‘wheel’ or a ‘disc’, chakras are seen as energy vortexes or focal points within the body, through which the life force travels. Each chakra is associated with specific organs or glands as well as specific emotions, thus, having an impact on the physical, mental and emotional health of a person. According to the Vedas, from which the chakra system originated, there are 7 main chakras. These are aligned along the spinal cord and are represented by different colors and shapes. As chakras are associated with the flow of life energy, an imbalance or block in these can have a negative impact on the wellbeing of an individual. Therefore, from a point of holistic wellness, aligning and unblocking the chakras is something that an individual can aim for by leading a healthy lifestyle.

What are the 7 Chakras?

The 7 main chakras are represented by specific colors, seed mantras, and shapes. These extend from the base of the spine to the crown. Here is a quick look at these chakras and their impact.

1. Root Chakra or Muladhara

Root Chakra

Location: Root chakra is located at the perineum, between the genitals, and the anus at the base of the spine.

Color: Red

Symbol: The symbol for the root chakra is a four-petaled lotus flower. Inside the lotus is a downward-pointing triangle. The downward-pointing triangle represents the grounding and stability of the root chakra, while the lotus flower symbolizes the potential for spiritual growth and awakening.

Sound: Root chakra is associated with the sound “LAM”. This is made by vocalizing “LAM” with the back of the tongue pressed softly against the palate. Believed to promote the feeling of grounding, this sound is used to balance the root chakra while meditation.

Element: Earth

Emotion: Survival, Security, Ability to stand up for self, Ability to provide for life’s necessities

Physical Body Parts: The root chakra is believed to be closely associated with the lower half of the body. It is associated with the legs, joints, bones, and spine. Additionally, it is also associated with the large intestine and adrenal glands.

When blocked: When the root chakra is blocked, a person might feel a sense of fear, anxiety, disconnect, and insecurity. From a physical point of view, an imbalance of root chakra is associated with pain in the lower back, knee, and feet as well as symptoms like constipation.

3 activities you can do today to balance root chakra and feel more grounded:

  1. Go for a barefoot walk preferably on the grass
  2. With essential oils such as sandalwood and patchouli.
  3. Try yoga poses such as the Tree pose, Mountain pose, and Warrior pose to ground yourself.

2. Sacral Chakra or Svadisthana

Sacral Chakra

Location: Sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen, about two inches below the navel.

Color: Orange

Symbol: The symbol for the sacral chakra is a circle with 6 petals. Inside the circle, is a crescent moon which is associated with the water element and its fluidity. The circle and the moon represent the ever-changing life cycle. The 6 petals represent the 6 negative emotions of wrath, hate, jealousy, cruelty, lust, and pride, which one should control for their wellbeing.

Sound: Sacral chakra is associated with the sound “VAM”. Believed to release blocked emotions and enhance creativity, this sound is used to balance the sacral chakra while meditation.

Element: Water

Emotion: Expressiveness, Creativity, Pleasure, Happiness, Joy, Sensuality, Desire, and Passion

Physical Body Parts: The sacral chakra is believed to be closely associated with the lower abdomen and the reproductive organs.

When blocked: Like water, the sacral chakra is about the flow of emotions and life. When blocked, a person might feel difficulty in expressing feelings. This is also associated with the repression of feelings which leads to resentment and anger. A blocked sacral chakra may lead a person to feel detached, and uninspired and can show up as a lack of creativity or motivation. It is believed that the imbalance also causes urinary and reproductive issues along with lower back pain or stiffness.

3 activities you can do today to balance the sacral chakra and feel more expressive:

  1. Indulge in a creative activity such as dancing, writing, or painting. Basically, do something that lets you express freely.
  2. Engage in physical activities such as massage.
  3. Practice yoga poses that focus on the stiffness of the lower back, pelvis, and hip. This can include pigeon pose and child pose.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura

Solar Plexus Chakra

Location: Solar Plexus chakra is located two inches below the navel.

Color: Yellow

Symbol: The symbol for the solar plexus chakra is a circle with 10 petals. Inside the circle is a downward triangle which is associated with the fire element and represents self-power. The 10 petals represent the 10 negative emotions that one must overcome to harmonize this chakra. These are ignorance, fear, envy, betrayal, shame, thirst, disgust, delusion, foolishness, and sadness.

Sound: Solar Plexus chakra is associated with the sound “RAM”. Believed to boost self-esteem and willpower, this sound is used to balance the sacral chakra while meditation.

Element: Fire

Emotion: Self-esteem, Self-Confidence, Self-Respect, Willpower

Physical Body Parts: The solar plexus chakra is believed to be closely associated with the digestive system including the stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder, and pancreas.

When blocked:  Solar plexus chakra, like its element fire, represents personal power. If blocked, a person might feel issues with self-confidence and self-worth. They may see themselves from a negative frame causing feelings like guilt and shame to rise. A person might feel incompetent and hence, may have issues while making decisions due to a lack of confidence. Physically, an unbalanced solar plexus chakra is associated with digestive issues and stomach problems.

3 activities you can do today to balance the solar plexus chakra and feel confident:

  1. Participate in martial arts activities to build strength and boost self-confidence.
  2. Set and achieve small daily goals. This helps to improve self-worth and boosts confidence and discipline over time.
  3. Speak up and stand up for yourself. Communicate about your needs and wants with respectful assertiveness.

4. Heart Chakra or Anahata

Heart Chakra

Location: Heart chakra is located at the center of the chest.

Color: Green

Symbol: The symbol for the heart chakra is a circle with 12 petals. Inside the circle are a downward and an upward triangle representing the balance of yin-yang, physical-spiritual, and masculine-feminine. The 12 petals are associated with the 12 virtues of a pure heart.

Sound: Heart chakra is associated with the sound “YAM”. This sound is chanted to balance the heart chakra while meditating. It focuses on emotions of love and acceptance as well as connection to one’s feelings.

Element: Air

Emotion: Love, Acceptance, Hope, Compassion, Trust

Physical Body Parts: The heart chakra impacts the upper body including the heart, circulatory system, arms, shoulders, and diaphragm.

When blocked:  Heart chakra, if blocked can cause a person to feel undeserving of love and acceptance. You judge yourself too hard and neglect genuine appreciation for yourself. There is a feeling of mistrust and a fear of abandonment. People often find it difficult to forgive and close off emotionally. Physically, heat chakra imbalance is related to chest pain and shortness of breath.

3 activities you can do today to balance your heart chakra and feel loved:

  1. Affirm that you are loved. Say affirmations like “I love who I am” or “I love how I did this job today”. Show self-love and respect for yourself.
  2. Practice backbend exercises such as Cobra pose or Bridge pose.
  3. Journal or write a letter to yourself for all the things you are grateful for. Show some love to yourself for every good thing you might have done.

5. Throat Chakra or Vishuddha

Throat Chakra

Location: Throat chakra is located at the base of the neck near the throat.

Color: Light Blue

Symbol: The symbol for the throat chakra is a circle with 16 petals. Inside the circle is a downward triangle which contains another circle. The symbol represents the purification of the mind, body, and soul

Sound: Throat chakra is associated with the sound “HAM” (pronounced like “HUM”). This sound is chanted to balance the throat chakra while meditating. It focuses on emotions of self-expression and communication.

Element: Sound

Emotion: Communication, Truthfulness, Self-Expression

Physical Body Parts: The throat chakra is associated with the throat, neck, vocal cords, mouth, tongue, and jaws.

When blocked: The throat chakra largely emphasizes communication and expression. If blocked, a person might feel difficulty expressing themselves and listening to others. One may feel closed off to new ideas and lack confidence. Physical symptoms are believed to be sore throat, jaw pain or stiffness, and mouth issues.

3 activities you can do today to balance your throat chakra and communicate freely:

  1. Try journaling to write your thoughts clearly.
  2. Singing or playing musical instruments can help in harmonizing the throat chakra.
  3. Yoga poses that strengthen the throat area’s muscles such as lion pose or fish pose can help balance the throat chakra.

6. Third Eye Chakra or Ajna

Third Eye Chakra

Location: Third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows.

Color: Indigo

Symbol: The third eye chakra is represented by a lotus flower with 2 petals. At the center of the flower is a downward-facing triangle. The symbol resembles an eye and represents awakening and enlightenment.

Sound: Third eye chakra is associated with the sound “OM”.

Element: Light

Emotion: Intuition, Wisdom

Physical Body Parts: The third eye chakra is associated with the eyes, brain, and nervous system.

When blocked: Third eye chakra if blocked might make a person feel confused along with lack of focus. Sometimes this also comes across as an inability to see the ‘big picture’. Physically, a person might feel headaches and eye strain.

3 activities you can do today to balance your third eye chakra and be more aware:

  1. Practice meditation with a focus on the forehead or temple.
  2. Try yoga poses like the child’s pose or fish pose to activate the blood flow to the brain and eyes.
  3. Engage in a mindfulness session. Focussing on the present reduces fear and helps one calm down. This removes confusion and leads to clarity.

7. Crown Chakra or Sahasrara

Crown Chakra

Location: Crown chakra is located at the top-center of the head

Color: Violet

Symbol: The crown chakra is represented by a lotus flower with thousand petals. At the center of the flower is a downward-facing triangle. The symbol represents spiritual liberation, enlightenment, and connection to the divine.

Sound: Crown chakra is associated with the sound “AUM”.

Element: Thought

Emotion: Faith, Deep rooted trust, Inspiration, Spirituality

Physical Body Parts: Crown chakra is said to be associated with the brain and nervous system

When blocked: If the crown chakra is blocked, a  person might feel emotions of hopelessness, and frustration as well as have destructive feelings.

3 activities you can do today to balance your Crown chakra and be more fulfilled:

  1. Try meditation, particularly in natural environments to focus and harmonize crown chakra.
  2. Practice breathwork such as alternate nostril breathing is said to balance the left and right brain.
  3. Engage in the practice of grounding, journaling, and gratitude to reduce feelings of ego and have better clarity.

These were the 7 main chakras and some basics about them. Chakra meditation and alignment include many activities which might be complex. It is recommended that yoga or meditative activities for chakra healing should be done under the guidance of a teacher. Now, go ahead, conquer those negative feelings, and discover a new you by understanding and healing your chakras.